BCFM Membership
The Baker City Farmers Market is registered with the state of Oregon as a membership nonprofit. Our members support us by participating or volunteering at the market, electing our board, helping us market and fundraise, and so much more! If you would like to become a member, there are three steps:
1. Review our Mission and Equity Statements here
2. Fill out the form below with your contact information
3. Click the donate now button to pay your $15 annual membership dues
Thank you for being a part of our market! Your support is vital to helping us serve our community. Being a member in good standing allows you to: be a candidate for and serve as a member of the Board of Directors if elected or appointed, cast ballots during organization elections and when a vote is needed to determine the actions of the organization, and be a vendor at one or more market days with payment of applicable fees. There is only one vote per membership. The membership period is one year, June 1 through May 31.